Chamber of Crafts

Service Description

The Chamber of Skilled Crafts performs state sovereign tasks by law and is managed in the legal form of a public corporation. The task of the Chamber of Skilled Crafts is to represent the interests of the skilled crafts sector and to regulate the interests of the skilled crafts sector in the course of self-administration.

The Chamber of Skilled Crafts includes the owners of a skilled crafts business (trades requiring a license / trades not requiring a license) and trades similar to skilled crafts, as well as journeymen, employees who have completed vocational training and apprentices.

The Chamber of Skilled Crafts offers a wide range of advice and services for its member companies and start-ups, ranging from technical, business and legal advice to advice on vocational training.
The most important tasks of the Chamber of Skilled Crafts are

  • Promoting the interests of the individual trades, also in relation to politics and administration
  • Maintaining the register of skilled trades and the register of trades similar to skilled trades
  • Regulating vocational training in the skilled trades and issuing all necessary regulations
  • Management of the apprenticeship register
  • Conducting and monitoring master craftsman and advanced training examinations
  • Conducting and monitoring journeyman and retraining examinations
  • Issuing regulations for master craftsman examinations, further training and journeyman examinations
  • Promoting the economic interests of craftsmen
  • Legal supervision of craft guilds and district craft associations

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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