Test engineers for stability - Apply for recognition

Service Description

A test engineer for stability is a person who is recognized as such by the highest building supervisory authority. Other persons may not use this designation.

In order to be recognized as a test engineer for structural stability, the applicant must undergo an extensive examination of his/her knowledge and skills. In order to be admitted to this examination, you must

  1. have completed a degree in civil engineering at a German university or an equivalent degree at a foreign university,
  2. have worked for at least two years as an engineer involved in structural design, either independently and on your own responsibility or as a full-time university lecturer,
  3. have been entrusted with the preparation of stability certificates, technical site management or comparable activities for at least ten years, of which you must have prepared stability certificates for at least five years and been entrusted with technical site management for at least one year; however, the period of technical site management may only be credited up to a maximum of three years,
  4. have demonstrated above-average skills through their work as engineers.

An inspection engineer for stability is recognized for one or more of the following disciplines

  • Solid construction,
  • metal construction and
  • timber construction.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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