Apply for a severely disabled person's ID card with or without token

Service Description

If you have a two-color severely disabled person's ID card on which certain characteristics are indicated, you can apply for a supplementary sheet and a token with the help of this application.

This will enable you to benefit from either free local public transport or a reduction in vehicle tax.

In order to be able to use free local public transport, you must purchase a token for six months or a whole year and pay a contribution. The co-payment is waived if you have certain characteristics or receive certain social benefits.

Alternatively, you can apply for a supplementary certificate without a token in order to receive a reduction in vehicle tax.

For people with certain signs, it is possible to use the supplementary sheet with a token to obtain both a reduction in vehicle tax and free public transport.

If your supplement is damaged or you have lost it, you can apply for a replacement.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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