Service Finder
School enrollment examination
Service Description
§ 120 ThürSchulO Determination of development
(1) By May 20, the school principal shall notify the responsible school authority and the public health department of the names of the children registered for school enrollment for the school year after next, their date of birth and the addresses of their parents.
(2) In agreement with the principal, the health authority will carry out the school medical examination of all children registered. Parents must be notified in good time before the examination. They have the right to be present during the examination.
(3) By May 15 of the calendar year in which school enrolment is to take place, the health authority shall notify the responsible school authority and the responsible school of any children who, due to a medical indication, do not yet meet the requirements for successful school learning.
(4) By May 15, the elementary school shall carry out measures to determine the development of children registered for school attendance prematurely at the request of the parents. Sentence 1 applies accordingly to the community school in accordance with § 119 Paragraph 1 Sentence 2.
§ Section 18 ThürSchulG
(3) In exceptional cases, a child of compulsory school age may be deferred from school attendance for one year at the request of the parents if the prerequisites for successful school learning are not yet met due to a medical indication. The decision is made by the head teacher, in particular on the basis of the school medical examination.
Children are obliged to attend the school medical examinations.
Who should I contact?
Contact the health department of your district or city.
Which documents are required?
Vaccination card, U-examination booklet, if available aids (e.g. glasses).
Legal basis
- § Section 55 School health care - Thuringian School Act (ThürSchulG)
- § Section 57 Data protection - Thuringian School Act (ThürSchulG)
- § Section 18 of the Thuringian School Act (ThürSchulG)
- § Section 119 Registration for elementary school attendance - Thuringian School Regulations (ThürSchulO)
- § Section 120 Determination of development - Thuringian School Regulations (ThürSchulO)
- Thuringian Ordinance on School Health Care (ThürSchulgespflVO)
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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