Receive information about studying abroad

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The job opportunities for people with language skills and experience abroad continue to grow and are becoming increasingly diverse. An understanding of the mentality and culture of other countries, mobility, flexibility and an insight into the economic and social life of other countries are in demand.

Whether you are planning a stay abroad as part of your studies or want to complete an internship: Preparation should begin at least one year in advance.

The International Offices at the universities provide information on stays abroad during your studies. They can also provide you with information on Erasmus+, the European Union's exchange program.

Helpful information and financial support for stays abroad is also available from the German Academic Exchange Service. You can also find country-specific university information there.

Information on studying abroad can be found at Universities Worldwide with links to 6900 universities in 178 countries and at IEC Online, the International Education Center Online. There you can search by country, university and course of study.

The "Europe is coming - let's go!" portal of the Federal Employment Agency provides information on study conditions in all EU member states.

Information on BAföG abroad can be found on the Bafög pages. Please note that a different Bafög office is responsible for each destination country.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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