Service Finder
Sports promotion
Service Description
In Thuringia, sport is promoted in many different ways.
Who should I contact?
The sports organizations affiliated with the Thuringia State Sports Association generally receive the funding intended for them and their affiliated clubs via the State Sports Association.
The Thüringer Behinderten- und Rehabilitations- Sportverband e.V. is responsible for the interests of disabled and rehabilitation sports in Thuringia.
The Thuringian Sports Association for the Deaf is responsible for deaf sports in Thuringia.
Legal basis
Allocation of funding by the state sports association: Section 16 (2) of the Thuringian Sports Promotion Act (ThürSportFG)
What else should I know?
In addition, the Free State of Thuringia grants subsidies for the following areas:
- Expansion, conversion and new construction as well as renovation and modernization (repair) of public sports facilities as well as conversion measures for areas and rooms not previously used for sports in accordance with the "Guidelines for the Promotion of Sports Facility Construction and Sports Facility Development Planning"
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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