Apply for parental allowance

Service Description

Parental allowance is a benefit for parents of infants and young children. It replaces part of the lost income if you want to be there for your child after the birth and interrupt or reduce your professional work. Parental allowance is also available for parents who had no income at all before the birth.

There are three types of parental allowance:
- Basic parental allowance
- Parental allowance plus
- Partnership bonus

Parental Allowance Plus and the partnership bonus provide particular support if you share the work and family responsibilities after the birth.

Even if you are a single parent, you can apply for the various options. Parental allowance is also available for adopted children and children in foster care.

As parents, you can decide for yourself who receives parental allowance and for how long. In the application, you must specify the months of your child's life for which you would like to apply for parental allowance and which parental allowance variant you choose.

The amount of parental allowance is calculated individually. The calculation is based on the income you had before the birth and which ceases after the birth. If you had no income before the birth or no income after the birth, you will receive a minimum amount. For basic parental allowance, this is at least EUR 300.00 per month.

Tip: You can use the parental allowance calculator from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs to help you plan and calculate.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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