Register your child with a childminder

Service Description

Child day care includes the care and support of your child in a child day care facility (crèche, kindergarten, after-school care) or a child day care center.

The day care facilities have the following tasks:

  • They promote the child's development into a self-determined, independent and socially competent personality.
  • They support and supplement upbringing and education in the family.
  • They help parents to better reconcile work, child rearing and family care.

The support mandate encompasses the upbringing, education and care of the child. It relates to the child's social, emotional, physical and mental development. It includes the teaching of guiding values and rules.

The support should be based on the following characteristics of the children:

  • Age
  • level of development
  • Linguistic and other abilities
  • life situation
  • interests and needs
  • Ethnic origin

The placement of a childcare place in a child daycare facility takes place in cooperation with the responsible local youth welfare organization.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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