Building - Notification of exemption from approval for a building project

Service Description

You do not need planning permission for certain building projects.

Instead of a building permit, only a notification is required.

For this you need an exemption from approval.

For example, a detached house is exempt from approval if it is to be built in an area with a development plan.

If you wish to deviate from the development plan, you must apply to the responsible building supervisory authority before obtaining the permit exemption.

Construction can begin after one month if the local building authority does not require a simplified building permit procedure to be carried out beforehand.

As no building permit is issued, the builder is solely responsible for compliance with all requirements that his building project must meet.

Tip: The consent of the neighbors to the building project can speed up the procedure if neighboring interests could be affected.

In Thuringia, the following applies to projects for which planning permission is not expected to be required, but which must be notified:

The construction of selected smaller projects within the scope of a development plan does not require planning permission if the provisions of the development plan are complied with and the development is secured.

Projects of this type must be submitted to the municipality for review.

The review takes place in an approval exemption procedure.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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