Immission control (immissions/emissions)

Service Description

The term immission control covers all efforts to limit immissions to a level that is acceptable to people and the environment in the long term. The main instrument of immission control in Germany is the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG).

For immission control, emissions and immissions generally include

  • Air pollutants,
  • Noise (sound),
  • vibrations
  • light,
  • heat,
  • radiation,

emanating from installations, traffic and other activities directly caused by man. Immissions affect people, animals, plants, the atmosphere, soil, water, and cultural or other material assets. In addition to emissions of human origin, there are also emissions from natural sources such as volcanoes, swamps, vegetation.

Complaint Procedure:

You may complain by telephone or in writing to one of the agencies listed below. Receipt of the complaint is usually acknowledged by the authority. If the authority itself is not responsible for this operation, it will inform you and forward the complaint to the competent body.

No special documents or records are required for complaints. However, in the case of concrete complaints about individual polluters, the processing of the complaint will be facilitated if you know the name of the establishment, facility, association or person(s) and if you can already provide concrete information about the times and nature of the possible harassment. The more concretely the complaint is described, the easier and faster it will be to determine the facts of the case.


Air pollutants (e.g., smoke, soot, dust, gases, vapors, odors) are primarily generated by activities in industry, agriculture, and transportation, but also in private households. They are primarily carried into the lowest layer of the atmosphere. From there, they can also reach higher layers of the atmosphere and thus more distant locations.

Air pollutants can be divided into gaseous substances, aerosols, particles and their combinations.


Noise is defined as sounds which, due to their volume and structure, can be harmful to human health and the environment, or disturbing or stressful. Whether sounds are perceived as noise depends on a person's constitution, preferences and mood.

Noise protection is an important part of environmental protection. Noise protection is understood to mean all measures that result in a reduction of existing noise immissions. These can be both technical (active at the source of the noise, passive at the point of immission) and organizational.


In immission control, vibrations are understood as oscillations of solid bodies that can have annoying or even harmful effects on humans and can cause damage to material goods. The main sources of vibrations are industrial and commercial sources (e.g. presses, hammers, sawmills), construction sites (e.g. vibrators, blasting), but also to a considerable extent traffic.


In the scope of immission protection, the term radiation is limited to non-ionizing radiation, such as electromagnetic fields from mobile communications or overhead electric lines, or light and heat radiation.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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