Service Finder
Business re-registration
Service Description
If you want to re-register your business, this must be done with the following authorities:
at the relevant trade office by completing the prescribed form,
- at the competent local court for entry in the commercial register (if the business is run by a fully qualified merchant - this registration must be made in writing with a notarized signature),
- at the responsible tax office in oral or written form,
- with the relevant health insurance fund for workers and employees,
- the relevant employers' liability insurance association (accident insurance provider),
- the relevant Chamber of Industry and Commerce and possibly also
- the Chamber of Crafts.
The business re-registration is automatically completed by registering with the trade office.
Who should I contact?
Please contact the trade office.
Which documents are required?
Identity card or passport
What are the fees?
15,00 Euro
Legal basis
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Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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