Service Finder
Residential and care services
Service Description
Age-appropriate housing
are designed to meet the needs of older people and enable them to lead a life without obstacles. This is achieved through barrier-free access to the apartment and barrier-free design in the living area, such as elevators, ramps, stair elevators, wheelchair-accessible sanitary and kitchen facilities, grab bars in the bathroom and toilet, and slip-resistant floor coverings.
There are various ways to finance appropriate housing adaptation measures.
In addition, there are housing complexes for older people, often in conjunction with service offerings, care options and nursing facilities.
Outpatient care services/home care:
In home care, people in need of care are entitled to basic care and domestic services as benefits in kind. Outpatient care services are provided by non-profit or private operators.
Low-threshold care services
(according to § 45b Abs.1 SGB XI) are additional care services for persons with dementia-related ability disorders, mental disabilities or mental illnesses. An amount of up to 2,400 euros per calendar year is available for this.
Nursing homes
(non-profit or private-commercial) offer full care up to the most severe level of care
Who should I contact?
Housing suitable for the elderly
Advice on housing suitable for the elderly is available from the social welfare offices of the districts and independent cities and the welfare associations.
Outpatient care services/home care
More detailed information is available from the offices of the nursing care insurance funds and the social welfare offices of the counties and independent cities.
Low-threshold care services
Information on this can be obtained from the nursing care insurance funds or the Alzheimer Society of Thuringia.
Nursing homes
More detailed information is available from the offices of the nursing care insurance funds, the home supervisory authorities and the social welfare offices of the districts and independent cities.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content per DeepL.
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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