Recreation and entering the open countryside

Service Description

Access to the open countryside on roads and paths as well as on unused ground areas for the purpose of recreation is permitted to all and is governed by

  • for the forest according to the Federal Forest Act and the Thuringian Forest Act,
  • in the open countryside according to the Federal Nature Conservation Act and the Thuringian Nature Conservation Act.

The term "open landscape" generally includes areas outside contiguous built-up districts.

In the open countryside, the following is considered equivalent to "entering": horseback riding, cycling, and driving with harnessed vehicles or ambulances (Section 34 (1) Sentence 4 ThürNatG).

In the forest, cycling and driving with ambulance chairs as well as with passenger cars whose drivers or passengers are in possession of a special parking permit for severely handicapped persons is permitted on fixed paths and roads, as well as horseback riding on marked paths and roads (Section 6 (3) sentences 1 and 2 ThürWaldG).

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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