Apply for tree cutting permit

Service Description

Trees produce vital oxygen, improve the climate, filter dust and pollutants, and provide humidity and air movement. They provide a habitat for a wide variety of animals, enliven and structure the cityscape and dampen noise. To ensure that trees are preserved, they are protected - especially in heavily populated areas - but also in the open countryside.

For the general protection of the species, the felling of trees outside horticulturally used areas and of all other woody plants (including hedges and bushes) is prohibited under the Federal Nature Conservation Act between March 1 and September 30. This includes uprooting and grubbing. The only things not covered by this prohibition are gentle shaping and maintenance cuts to remove the growth of plants or to keep trees healthy.

If you wish to cut down a tree or remove hedges or bushes within this time window, you must obtain a fee-based exemption from this ban. If necessary, you must compensate or replace the felled woody plant.

It should also be noted that tree removal (regardless of when it is done) may also violate special species protection prohibitions or protected area ordinances.

If there is a tree protection statute in your municipality, these regulations must also be taken into account.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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