Service Finder
Display of a public event
Service Description
If you wish to hold a public event, you must notify the responsible municipality, administrative community or fulfilling municipality of the event in writing at least one week in advance. For regularly recurring, similar public events, a single notification is sufficient.
In the following cases you need a permit:
- the required written notification was not made in due time at least one week before the event,
- it is a motor sport event or
- the event takes place in facilities not designated for this purpose and more than 1000 visitors are to be admitted at the same time.
Please note that your event notification to the municipality, administrative community or fulfilling municipality does not replace necessary notifications and permits to other authorities.
Who should I contact?
For motor sport events, you must also submit an application for approval to the responsible district office.
Competent authority
The event notification must be submitted to the municipality or city council on whose municipal territory your event is to take place. If necessary, the responsibility also lies with an administrative community or a fulfilling municipality. Please enquire about this with the locally responsible municipality.
If you would like to hold a motor sport event, please also contact the responsible district office after notifying the municipality in order to apply for the necessary permit there. A separate permit application is only not required if you want to hold the motorsport event on the territory of an independent city.
Which documents are required?
The advertisement shall contain at least the following information:
- Type, place and time of the event
- Number of expected participants
What are the fees?
The issuance of a notice or a permit is subject to a fee.
The amount of the administrative costs is based on the Thuringian General Administrative Costs Ordinance (ThürAllgVwKostO) and may vary in individual cases.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
The public event must be notified in writing at least one week in advance.
Please find out whether the responsible municipality has stipulated any special regulations in a regulatory ordinance or municipal bylaws.
Legal basis
Applications / forms
Objection; action before the competent administrative court; application for interim relief
Form: yes
Online procedure: possible
Written form required: yes
What else should I know?
The notification or approval of a public event does not replace further required notifications or approvals of other specialized laws, for example:
- traffic regulations according to the German Road Traffic Act (StVO)
- permits under road law in accordance with the Thuringian Road Act
- Reduction of closing times in accordance with the Thuringian Restaurant Act
- special permits according to the Thuringian Sunday and Public Holiday Act
- according to the law for the protection of minors;
- Registration with GEMA
- according to the trade regulations - GewO
- according to the Thuringian Fire and Disaster Protection Act (for example, in the case of traditional fires)
In individual cases, the responsible authorities may issue orders regarding the event, impose conditions or prohibit the event in order to avert danger.
Supporting institutions
The locally responsible municipality, administrative community or fulfilling municipality and, in the case of a motor sport event, the locally responsible district office.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content per DeepL.
Technically approved by
Thuringian Ministry of the Interior and Local Affairs
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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