Service Finder
Keep waste registers and records of whereabouts
Service Description
Hazardous waste / waste requiring records
Anyone who wishes to dispose of hazardous/accountable waste must keep a record of its whereabouts or maintain certain records, such as
- Disposal certificates prior to the start of disposal,
- consignment bills and, if applicable, transfer bills,
- Register consisting of the aforementioned proofs.
The register or the evidence to be kept shall document the disposal operations of the hazardous/accidental waste. The obligation to keep the register applies to producers, owners, collectors, transporters, traders and brokers, as well as all disposers of hazardous/detectable waste.
The obligation to keep records applies to the same group of persons with the exception of dealers and brokers .
Wastes that are not subject to verification
Waste disposers of non-detectable waste must also keep a register of the type and quantity as well as the treatment of the waste and the fate of the waste generated.
Waste disposers who in turn deliver waste for further disposal (secondary producers) are subject to the register obligations for all delivered waste. This also applies to substances or objects that have undergone a recovery process at the waste disposer and for which the end of waste status is to be claimed.
Dealers and brokers of waste also have to keep registers.
Private households
These obligations do not apply to private households.
Process flow
Prior to the actual disposal process of waste for which proof is required, corresponding waste disposal records, consignment bills, and acceptance bills must be kept and entered in the respective register of the waste management operator.
Disposal can only take place once the relevant waste disposal records, which must be kept electronically, have been submitted to the competent authorities.
For the disposal of waste requiring records, the respective economic operators (except for small quantity generators with less than 2 t/a of hazardous waste) must apply for a corresponding generator, transporter or disposer number.
Registers are to be kept by the economic operators and are not transmitted electronically to the authorities in an automated way, but are to be transmitted upon request of the competent authorities.
- Waste disposal certificates, consignment bills and takeover certificates are part of the registers.
- Insofar as the Ordinance on Waste Recovery and Disposal Records provides for electronic management of the above-mentioned documents, they shall be signed by electronic signature (qualified electronic signature) using a card reader.
- The data structure is based on standardized interfaces (XML format).
- Data traffic between industry and authorities is managed uniformly throughout Germany via the Central Coordination Office (ZKS-Abfall).
- Exceptions are to be noted.
The electronic creation of waste disposal certificates, consignment bills, transfer bills and their allocation to the register is carried out by means of special approved software, which can be developed by the company itself or by external companies. The software is to be created on the basis of the bindingly introduced data interface, which is published by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) on their website.
The federal states have created the Länder-eANV (eANV = electronic waste records procedure), a free portal through which all electronic documents required for records are provided, sent, received and signed. In the Länder-eANV, there is no automated compilation of the electronic documents for the register.
In addition to the country eANV, there are various commercially approved solutions that usually offer the user more convenient operation, for example, automatic register management. The volume of consignment notes that makes the purchase of a commercial solution worthwhile depends on many factors, such as the time required for processing, the volume of consignment notes and the user himself.
Before transmitting data to the authorities involved, the economic operators must register with the Central Coordination Office of the Federal States (ZKS-Abfall), provide their master data and open an account.
The corresponding producer, transporter or disposer number must be assigned to the account.
Approved other electronic solutions can be used within the scope of the registration procedure.
The data for keeping records are entered into the selected solution, electronically signed (signed), transmitted and managed in the user's own PC.
The necessary producer and disposer numbers for Thuringia are assigned in the TLUBN.
Waste producers who only hand over waste requiring verification within the scope of collective disposal (takeover certificate procedure) do not need to register with the ZKS.
Carrier, collector, dealer and broker numbers are usually assigned by the competent authority via the notification and permit procedure.
Who should I contact?
Responsible is the Thuringian State Office for Environment, Mining and Nature Conservation (TLUBN) - Department 74.
Information on how to participate in the electronic verification process has been provided by the states on the following page:
Which documents are required?
- For the issuance of an identification number, possibly an excerpt from the commercial register, the register of cooperatives, the register of associations, or a business registration.
- If a waste disposal number is issued, the corresponding permit to operate the waste disposal facility (either permit in accordance with BImSchG or building law)
What are the fees?
Fees apply.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Placement of documents in the appropriate register no later than after ten calendar days
Processing duration
Maximum processing time of waste disposal certificates in the basic procedure at the authorities after receipt of the complete documents 30 calendar days
Legal basis
- § 49 Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act (KrWG)
- § 23 Ordinance on Waste Recovery and Disposal Records (NachwV)
- § 24 Ordinance on Waste Recovery and Disposal Records (NachwV)
- § 50 Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act (KrWG)
- Verification Ordinance (NachwV)
- § 47 Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act (KrWG)
- § 48 Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act (KrWG)
- § 51 Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act (KrWG)
- § 52 Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act (KrWG)
- § 53 Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act (KrWG)
- § 54 Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act (KrWG)
- § 55 Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act (KrWG)
- § Section 64 of the Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act (KrWG)
- § 15 Thuringian Implementation Act to the Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act (ThürAGKrWG)
- § Section 16 Thuringian Implementation Act for the Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act (ThürAGKrWG)
- Thuringia General Administrative Costs Act (ThürVwKostG)
- Thuringian General Administrative Cost Regulations (ThürAllgVwKostO)
- Thuringian Administrative Cost Regulations for the Portfolio of the Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation (ThürVwKostOMUEN)
What else should I know?
- Within the scope of the obligation to keep records and register, identification numbers assigned by the competent authorities must be used accordingly.
- Waste disposers who in turn deliver waste for further disposal (secondary producers) are subject to the register obligations for delivered waste.
- Concerns in dealing with the record keeping of the Free State of Thuringia can be viewed on the website of the TLUBN.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian State Office for the Environment, Mining and Nature Conservation
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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