Service Finder
Inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin about new, changed or terminated shareholdings of banks and financial services institutions
Service Description
Just like other companies, as a bank or financial services institution you can also acquire and sell equity interests in companies. This gives you voting rights or the right to share in profits, for example.
As soon as you acquire a significant stake in another company as a bank or financial services institution, you must inform the Deutsche Bundesbank.
A significant shareholding is deemed to exist if you hold 10 percent of the capital or voting rights or can exert a significant influence on the management of this company. Information on the calculation and assessment of a significant shareholding can be found on the BaFin website.
You must also report any changes to this significant shareholding. In this so-called active shareholding notification, you must state, among other things
- Reason for the notification: creation, change, termination
- Type of company in which you hold shares
- Information on the percentage of your shareholding in the total nominal capital of the company (shareholding ratio)
The Deutsche Bundesbank will then forward your notification of shareholding to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).
Process flow
You can use the Deutsche Bundesbank's e-business platform "ExtraNet" to inform the Deutsche Bundesbank about the status of your shareholdings. Alternatively, you can submit your notification of participation in paper form, for example if you do not know your company's Bundesbank identification number.
Submit a notification of participation via the Deutsche Bundesbank's "ExtraNet" platform:
Call up the Deutsche Bundesbank's "ExtraNet" platform on the Internet.
- You may have to register first and create a user account.
- In order to be able to submit your paperless notification of participation, you must first submit a one-off declaration on paperless submission (submission declaration) to the relevant head office of the Deutsche Bundesbank, in which you acknowledge the paperless submissions as binding.
Navigate to the following forms:
- Form "Active notification of shareholding"
- For complex shareholding structures additionally: Form "Annex for complex shareholding structures"
- Fill out the forms completely and truthfully. Please refer to the Deutsche Bundesbank's information sheet on the electronic submission of notifications of shareholdings.
- Upload all required documents. Then submit your notification of participation electronically.
- If your credit institution belongs to a cooperative auditing association or is audited by the auditing body of a savings banks and giro association and their notifications of shareholdings are submitted electronically: Also submit 1 copy of the notification of participation to the auditing association or association.
- The Deutsche Bundesbank will check your details and forward your notification of participation to BaFin.
- The European Central Bank, BaFin or the Deutsche Bundesbank may request further information from you, in particular on the takeover price and proceeds from the sale.
Submit notification of participation in paper form:
Go to the website of the Deutsche Bundesbank. Download the following documents there:
- Form "Active participation notification"
- for complex shareholding structures: form "Annex for complex shareholding structures"
- Fill out the forms completely and truthfully. You can complete the forms directly on your PC and then print them out.
- Send the completed form with all the necessary documents by post to the relevant head office of the Deutsche Bundesbank.
- The Deutsche Bundesbank will check your details and forward your notification of participation to BaFin.
- The European Central Bank, BaFin or the Deutsche Bundesbank may request further information from you, in particular regarding the acquisition price and proceeds of sale.
You must report shareholdings in other companies if
your credit institution or financial services institution has holdings in other companies
- acquires
- increases or decreases or
- terminates them.
the holding or holdings are "significant holdings" within the meaning of the German Banking Act, i.e. your institution holds
- directly or indirectly at least 10 percent of the capital or voting rights of a company or
- another means of exercising significant influence over the management of this company.
You must report changes in shareholdings if
the institution's shareholding reaches, exceeds or falls below certain thresholds. These thresholds are staggered:
- 20 percent of the company's capital or voting rights,
- 30 percent of the company's capital or voting rights, or
- 50 percent of the company's capital or voting rights,
- the undertaking in which the institution holds shares becomes or ceases to be a subsidiary,
- the shares held in the company are no longer or no longer intended to serve the institution's own business operations,
- directly held shares are transferred in whole or in part to a subsidiary,
in the case of shares held indirectly in whole or in part
- the number or identity of the intermediate companies changes, or
- the shares are now held in whole or in part by the institution itself or
- redistributed among the parties involved.
Which documents are required?
- For complex shareholding structures: fully completed form "Annex for complex shareholding structures"
What are the fees?
You do not have to pay anything for the notification of participation.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
You must submit each individual notification immediately after acquiring, increasing, reducing or relinquishing the shareholding.
Processing duration
The processing time varies or depends on the case.
Legal basis
Applications / forms
No legal remedies are provided for.
Forms: yes
Online procedure possible: yes
Written form required: no
Personal appearance required: no
Further Information
- General information on the "ExtraNet" platform on the Deutsche Bundesbank website
- Information sheet of the Deutsche Bundesbank on the electronic submission of investment notifications
- Explanations of the Deutsche Bundesbank on the central banking supervisory ExtraNet mailbox including file naming conventions
- General information on banking supervision on the website of the Deutsche Bundesbank
- BaFin leaflet "Information on the new Disclosure Regulation to support the changeover phase" on the Deutsche Bundesbank website
- Questions and answers on the notification of shareholdings on the BaFin website
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
- Notification by an institution within the meaning of the German Banking Act (KWG) of the creation, change in the amount or termination of a significant investment in other companies Acceptance
Remark: Display of performance in the source portal
Technically approved by
Federal Ministry of Finance
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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