Lodge a complaint against financial service providers

Service Description

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) supervises banks and financial service providers, insurers and securities trading. It is also responsible for handling consumer complaints against these companies.

As a customer of companies in the financial services sector, you can submit a complaint to BaFin if the company is under the supervision of BaFin.

For example, if you are of the opinion that you

  • have been given incorrect advice or
  • have problems with the processing of contracts or
  • have evidence of price manipulation or insider trading,

you can contact BaFin.

In the event of a dispute, BaFin offers the parties involved the opportunity to settle the dispute out of court in addition to lodging a complaint, if your complaint is suitable. There are dispute resolution bodies at BaFin for this purpose. However, this body is a conciliation body. It will only take action if no other recognized arbitration body is responsible for your case.

Regardless of which body is responsible for settling a specific disagreement, all procedures have certain principles in common:

  • Conciliation proceedings are largely conducted in writing.
  • Before an arbitration procedure, you should always have complained in writing to the company or institution concerned.
  • The conciliation procedure itself is generally free of charge for you as a consumer.
  • If you contact BaFin as the conciliation body, you can use the "Request for conciliation" form.
  • If you do not agree with the arbitration decision, you can still decide to take ordinary legal action, i.e. sue the institution in question.

BaFin cannot decide disputes between you and a supervised company, nor can it support you in asserting and enforcing your possible individual claims. Only a court can bindingly clarify disputed legal opinions and oblige the companies to make a payment, for example by means of a judgment. If you wish to obtain a court decision in your case, you must sue the company in question.

Your complaint also has no influence on statutory or contractual deadlines, such as payment, notification or limitation periods, if you submit a complaint. To ensure that you do not suffer any disadvantages, you must ensure that you comply with such deadlines yourself, irrespective of the BaFin's review. In cases of doubt, you should seek legal advice from a lawyer.

BaFin is not responsible for complaints about

  • statutory health insurance, accident insurance, pension insurance or municipal compensation,
  • the stock exchange supervisory authority,
  • some smaller insurance companies that only operate regionally and are subject to state supervision,
  • closed-end real estate funds and other comparable funds, for brokers of investment funds and other financial service providers that do not conduct business requiring a license under the German Banking Act.

Restrictions also apply to foreign companies.

If you have any questions about supervised companies or consumer protection in the financial sector or are considering making a complaint against a financial service provider, you can contact BaFin via the consumer hotline.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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