Immediately register employees for social insurance (immediate registration)

Service Description

If you are an employer and have a company in the following economic sectors, you must submit an immediate notification for all your employees before taking up employment:

  • Construction
  • Catering and accommodation industry
  • Passenger transportation industry
  • Freight forwarding, transportation and related logistics
  • Show business
  • Forestry companies
  • Building cleaning industry
  • Companies involved in the construction and dismantling of trade fairs and exhibitions
  • Meat industry
  • Prostitution industry
  • Guard and security industry

The immediate notification must be submitted at the latest on the employee's first working day before taking up employment. If you do not submit an immediate notification, this is an administrative offense. The fine can be up to EUR 25,000. If no immediate notification can be submitted during undeclared work inspections, there is an initial suspicion of illegal employment.

You must submit the immediate report for all your employees, including, for example, trainees and marginally employed or short-term employees.

The immediate notification does not replace the regular registration for social insurance.

Exceptions to the immediate notification requirement

  • Non-profit associations: You do not have to submit an immediate registration if you are a member of the board of a club or association that
    • predominantly pursues charitable, benevolent or ecclesiastical purposes and
    • this is recognized by your local tax office.
  • Temporary employment agencies: If you provide or lend temporary workers to third parties, so-called hirers, you do not have to submit an immediate declaration. As the leased employees can work in all economic sectors, these hirers cannot be clearly assigned to one of the economic sectors mentioned.

If you are only partially active in the above-mentioned economic sectors, the following is required for the submission of the immediate report

  • the purpose of the company and
  • the economic activity of the majority of your employees.

If these two criteria are contradictory, the purpose of the business is decisive.

If you are not sure whether you have to submit an immediate notification, you can ask the collection agency. For employment relationships subject to compulsory insurance, this is the responsible health insurance fund and for marginal part-time employees, the Minijob-Zentrale.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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