Widow's and widower's pensions for surviving dependants under statutory accident insurance

Service Description

In the event of a fatal accident at work or a fatal occupational illness, statutory accident insurance provides financial support for surviving dependants.

This means that your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund can support you financially if your spouse has died as a result of such an insured event. The same applies to life partners. An application is not necessary.

In the first 3 months after death, the pension amounts to 2 thirds of the deceased person's annual earnings. After that, the pension is generally 30 percent of this.

Under certain conditions, the pension may amount to 40 percent of the annual income in the first 3 months if you

  • are bringing up a child
  • are at least 47 years old
  • or are disabled or unable to work.

If you have your own income, the pension may be reduced.

As a rule, you are not entitled to a pension if:

  • you only entered into the marriage or civil partnership after the insured event and
  • the death occurred within the first year of the marriage or civil partnership.

There is an exception here if it is clear that you did not enter into the marriage or civil partnership primarily in order to receive the pension.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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