Lists of drift-reducing seeders: Appliance testing and registration application

Service Description

The Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) publishes a list of tested seeders and conversion kits that work with negative pressure on its website. These are so-called pneumatic seed drills. The devices listed allow around 90 percent less dust to drift off during sowing than other sowing devices.

As a manufacturer or commercial supplier, you can apply to have your seed drill or conversion kit entered in the JKI list.

Farmers may only use the listed seed drills when sowing seed treated with certain pesticides. This applies regardless of whether it is a single grain seed drill or a universal seed drill.

The aim of the test is to protect the environment and nature, especially bees. If as little dust with pesticide abrasion as possible is released when sowing dressed seed, this protects nature.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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