List of "Seed treatment facilities with quality assurance systems for dust reduction": Apply for inclusion of a seed treatment facility

Service Description

The Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) publishes a list of professional seed treatment facilities (dressing centers) on its website. Their quality assurance measures for dust reduction are tested.

The Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) can issue a risk mitigation measure, a so-called application provision, which refers to the technical application of the respective seed dressing agent, for example NT699-x. Your seed dressing site must be included in the JKI list. Otherwise you may not use certain plant protection products approved by the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL).

Employees of the JKI will inspect your seed treatment facility in an on-site appointment. The inspection is based on checklists for the respective crops.

The entry in the list is valid for 3 years. After 9 to 15 months and 21 to 27 months after entry in the list, there will be an interim inspection of your seed treatment facility. Registration can be extended by 3 years upon informal application. The prerequisite for this is a successful re-examination in the period of 6 months before the registration expires.
The aim of the inspection is to protect the environment and nature. If as little dust with pesticide abrasion as possible is released during the dressing, storage, transportation and sowing of seed, this protects nature.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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