Issue and submit certificate of employment or certificate of additional income

Service Description

Certificate of employment

As an employer, you are obliged to submit a certificate of employment to the BA at the request of your employee or the Federal Employment Agency (BA).

The certificate of employment contains, among other things, information on

  • the type of work,
  • the start, end, interruption and reason for termination of the employment relationship
  • the pay and other cash benefits that the employee receives or is entitled to receive.

The certificate of employment is required

  • for the decision on entitlement to unemployment benefit and
  • for the preparation of evidence for employees who have applied for or are entitled to benefits from foreign institutions (certificate of employment for the purposes of supranational and interstate law).

Secondary income certificate

Upon request, you must also submit a secondary income certificate to the BA for a person you employ or to whom you assign a self-employed activity if this person receives

  • Unemployment benefit,
  • vocational training allowance,
  • training allowance,
  • transitional allowance or
  • short-time allowance

has applied for or is receiving.

The supplementary income certificate includes information on the type and duration of employment, amount of pay or remuneration and working hours.

This certificate is required because the secondary employment or income can affect the benefit entitlement and its amount.

If you do not submit the certificate of employment or the certificate of additional income, you are committing an administrative offense. A fine of up to EUR 2,000 may be imposed.

If the certificate contains false information, this may result in claims for damages and possibly even criminal prosecution.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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