Submit mandatory annual audit report as property developer and/or construction supervisor

Service Description

According to the Real Estate Agent and Property Developer Ordinance, you as a property developer and/or construction manager are obliged to have a suitable auditor check compliance with the statutory obligations every calendar year. You choose the auditor for the audit as part of your annual reporting obligations. The audit is carried out at your expense.

Suitable auditors are in particular

  • Auditors,
  • sworn auditors,
  • auditing and accounting firms
  • auditing companies and
  • certain auditing associations.

Auditors are unsuitable if there are concerns of bias, i.e. if there are circumstances that could jeopardize the independence of the auditor.

Note: Tax consultants are not suitable auditors.

If you have not carried out relevant activities as a property developer and/or construction manager in a reporting period, you are obliged to submit an unsolicited negative declaration to your competent supervisory authority instead of the audit report.You can submit the negative declaration yourself; it is not necessary to commission an auditor. If the declaration is submitted by the tax consultant or auditor instead of the trader, you must enclose a corresponding power of attorney.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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