Have pre-qualification (degree and/or professional experience) certified for AufstiegsBAföG

Service Description

One document that you must submit for funding is the so-called "Form Z". On this form, you must confirm that you meet the professional admission requirements for the examination or can meet them by the time of the examination. The body responsible for this is the one that also conducts the final examination for the qualification you are aiming for. Depending on the qualification, this may be the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) or the Chamber of Crafts (HWK).

Typically, you qualify either by completing your first vocational training and/or gaining professional experience. You can also provide evidence of the required prior qualification if you have dropped out of university, have professional experience or have a Bachelor's degree from a university. The exact requirements are set out in the examination regulations for the respective further education qualification.

With the confirmation of your pre-qualification, you can apply for the so-called "Aufstiegs-BAföG". Depending on the federal state, BAföG offices or other authorities are responsible for this.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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