Service Finder
Waste disposal number Issue
Service Description
In order to enable a clear allocation of your individual business premises for waste disposal, you can use the corresponding official business numbers. To do this, use the establishment numbers issued by the competent authority.
You enter these official establishment numbers in the forms of the waste documentation procedure, such as waste disposal certificates, consignment bills and transfer bills. However, the establishment numbers also clearly assign the establishments in other waste law forms such as the waste management company certificate.
You can obtain the establishment numbers from the relevant competent authority. Responsibility varies from state to state and is regulated differently for producers and disposers and according to the type of business.
The disposal company number is recorded in the waste monitoring system (ASYS).
Process flow
- You can apply for the waste disposal number via the online service or using the forms provided by the TLUBN The TLUBN will first check whether your details are complete and plausible and whether you have enclosed the required documents. If necessary, additional information and documents will be requested.
- If the information and documents are complete and plausible, the authority will assign a company number and inform you of this.
Who should I contact?
Please contact the Thüringer Landesamt für Umwelt, Bergbau und Naturschutz; Referat 74 | Abfallrechtliche Überwachung.
- there is a permit for (hazardous) waste requiring proof
- As a waste disposal company, you intend to obtain certification as a specialist waste management company or under the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (or EMAS)
- within the framework of the End-of-Life Vehicles Ordinance
- there is an order from the licensing authority to maintain a waste disposal number
- you also intend to keep an electronic register for waste that is not subject to the obligation to keep records (this must be requested from the TLUBN)
Which documents are required?
- Business registration or extract from the commercial register (copy)
- The corresponding plant permit must be enclosed with this application! (If the permit was issued by the TLUBN, it is sufficient to state the file number)
What are the fees?
Administration Fee: free of charge
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Official establishment numbers must be stated in the forms of the waste documentation procedure, such as waste disposal certificates, consignment bills and transfer bills. These forms must be completed before the start of waste disposal.
Processing duration
Variable, usually less than a week
Legal basis
Further Information
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Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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