Submit proof of disposal in the privileged procedure

Service Description

As a waste-generating company that produces hazardous waste, you and the companies involved in its disposal must provide evidence of proper disposal both to each other and to the competent authorities and keep the necessary verification documents.

As a waste-generating company, you must provide proof of disposal even before the start of disposal in order to prove the permissibility of the planned type of disposal.

The competent authority must confirm the permissibility of the disposal before it begins.

The obligation to confirm the proof of disposal does not apply in the so-called privileged procedure. This applies to the following companies

  • disposal facilities that are certified as a specialist disposal company or
  • disposal facilities that belong to a company entered in the EMAS register or
  • waste management facilities that have been exempted from the confirmation obligation by the competent authority upon request.

In the privileged procedure, you can begin disposal immediately after sending the waste disposal certificate to the competent authority.

Irrespective of this, the authority must check the proof of disposal and may impose corresponding conditions.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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