Show change in the provision of cross-border services in the craft sector subject to authorization

Service Description

As a tradesperson from the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland who temporarily and occasionally provides trades services requiring a license in Germany under the freedom to provide services, you must notify us of any significant changes. Significant changes are those that affect the conditions for the provision of your services. These are the following cases:

  • The person responsible for the business, in whose person the qualification requirements were met, has left the company so that a new person must be appointed.
  • New craft activities requiring authorization that were not previously covered by the notification are to be carried out. Proof of the qualification-related activity requirements must be provided for these activities.
  • The legal establishment for the professional activity in the country of origin changes.

You must provide evidence that the requirements for the cross-border provision of services are still met.

You must submit the notification to the Chamber of Skilled Crafts that was responsible for the initial notification. This is the Chamber of Skilled Crafts in whose district the initial provision of services took place.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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