Shipment of waste in Germany and Europe Consent for waste according to the "yellow" waste list and all other waste destined for disposal

Service Description

All waste that is to be disposed of or otherwise recovered and transported across national borders must in principle be notified. The notification procedure enables the competent authorities to monitor transboundary waste shipments. In particular, the export of hazardous waste to countries with low environmental and safety standards is to be prevented.

Accordingly, the following must be notified:

  • all waste to be disposed of (exception: waste for laboratory analysis, max. 25 kg),
  • all wastes listed in Annex IV for recovery (so-called "yellow list" wastes),
  • all wastes for recovery listed in Annex V Part 1 List A (hazardous wastes according to Annex VIII of the Basel Convention),
  • all wastes for recovery or mixtures of wastes for recovery not listed as individual entries in Annexes III, IIIA, IIIB, IV or IVA.

For exemptions from the notification requirement, please contact the competent body.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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