Service Finder
Waste Shipments in Germany and Europe Consent
Service Description
All waste for disposal and recovery that is to be shipped across state borders must in principle be notified and requires the consent of the authorities involved in the country of dispatch and reception.
This consent can be given below:
- Consent without conditions,
- consent with conditions
- objection.
Exceptions to the notification requirement can be obtained from the competent authority.
Process flow
After receipt of all necessary documents, the forwarding point authority checks whether the notification has been properly executed, sends the documents to the destination authority and to all transit country authorities concerned within three working days if the assessment is positive, and informs the notifier accordingly. However, the transit point authority may refuse to forward the documents if it requests additional documents or raises an objection to the notification within the three working day period.
No later than three working days after receipt of the documents, including those previously requested, the competent authority of destination shall send a so-called acknowledgement of receipt. Even if the notification is properly executed, the authority of dispatch may request additional documents necessary for the assessment for approval. However, it is obliged to forward the notification. In this case, the destination authority may not send an acknowledgement of receipt until it receives notification from the shipping point authority that these subsequently requested documents have also been received. No later than 30 days after sending the acknowledgement of receipt, all authorities involved shall give their decision on the planned notification. This is done by:
- Consent without conditions or
- consent with conditions or
- raising objections.
Approval is given if the notification has been properly executed, the submitted documents are complete and no objections are raised.
Which documents are required?
The information and documents to be submitted are listed in Annex II of EU Regulation 1013/2006.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
No later than 30 days after the transmission of the acknowledgement of receipt, all authorities involved shall issue their decision on the planned notification.
Legal basis
What else should I know?
"Shipment" means the transportation of waste for recovery or disposal that occurs or is to occur:
(a) between two States; or
(b) between a State and overseas countries and territories or other areas under the protection of that State; or
(c) between a State and a land territory that is not a State under international law; or
(d) between a State and Antarctica; or
(e) from a State through any of the above territories; or
(f) within a State through any of the above territories and beginning and ending in the same State; or
(g) from a geographical area not under the jurisdiction of a State into a State.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
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Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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