Driver's license - apply for the extension of the driver's license by the class L

Service Description

You can extend your driving license by class L.

With the class L driver's license (colloquially ''small tractor driver's license"), you may drive the following vehicles at the age of 16:

  • tractors intended and used for agricultural or forestry purposes with a maximum design speed of no more than 40 km/h
  • combinations of these vehicles and trailers, if they are driven at a maximum speed of 25 km/h
  • self-propelled machines, feed mixers, forklifts and other industrial trucks, each with a maximum design speed of not more than 25 km/h
  • combinations of these vehicles and trailers

The driving license class L is issued for an unlimited period of time.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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