Service Finder
Check suitability as adoptive parents for intercountry adoption (general)
Service Description
Intercountry adoption is divided into 2 suitability tests: The general suitability test at the local adoption agency and the country-specific suitability test at an independent international adoption agency or the central adoption agency of the state youth welfare office.
The general suitability test examines the suitability of the potential adoptive parents. This includes, for example, the reasons for the adoption, the stability of the partnership or health aspects.
Process flow
You register with a placement agency for intercountry adoptions. This can either be the central adoption office of the state youth welfare office or a non-governmental placement office that is licensed for intercountry adoptions. You will receive initial counseling from the specialists.
In personal interviews, all relevant topics concerning the adoption will be discussed.
This process can take several months. Only after a suitability determination by the Youth Welfare Office is an adoption possible.
However, this is no guarantee that an adoption placement will actually take place.
Competent authority
State Youth Office
If you wish to adopt a child, then under German law you must have unlimited legal capacity and be at least 25 years old. If you are married, at least one of the two spouses must be 25 years old, with the younger spouse being at least 21 years old. There is no maximum age for adoptive parents set by law. The age difference to the adopted child should correspond to a natural distance, according to the Federal Working Group of the State Youth Welfare Offices.
Normally, the following applies: a married couple - regardless of gender - can only jointly adopt a child. Whether an international adoption by same-sex couples is possible depends largely on the legal situation in the country of origin of the adopted child. However, single persons can also adopt a child.
They must be suitable for adoption.
Which documents are required?
For the suitability determination, documents must be submitted, which are then reviewed by. the adoption agency. This will be discussed in advance during a consultation.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
The adoption agency does not have a time limit in which to decide on suitability. There is no legal claim to the placement of a child even after a positive suitability test.
Legal basis
Senator for Social Affairs, Youth, Integration and Sport, Bremen
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Senator for Social Affairs, Youth, Integration and Sport, Bremen
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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