Obtain exemption for single journeys over 3.5 t

Service Description

Transports that do not comply with the construction and operating regulations of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (StVZO) require a special permit in accordance with § 70 Para. 1 StVZO in order to participate in public road traffic.

Exemption permits for heavy goods and goods traffic in accordance with Section 70 StVZO and the permit in accordance with Section 29 StVO are always required together in the above-mentioned cases. If one of the permits is not available, the other is also invalid.

In principle, exceptions may only be approved if all reasonable possibilities for complying with the provisions of the StVZO have been fully exhausted.

They may only be approved to the extent that is absolutely necessary for the intended purpose (strict standard); no exemption may be granted for economic reasons alone.

An exemption may be considered if the vehicle/vehicle combination itself is too long/too wide/too high - see § 32 StVZO - protruding load (e.g. by widening and/or extending the loading area) and/or

if higher axle loads and/or total weights than legally permitted - see § 34 StVZO - are to be used and/or

if the driver's field of vision is impaired - see § 35 b StVZO.

The exemption permits must be obtained by the vehicle owner, carried along when driving and handed over to the responsible persons for inspection on request.

The exemption permit is usually limited to three months.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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