Applying for an identity card due to name change on marriage

Service Description

Your ID card is invalid after a name change. If your surname has changed, for example following a marriage or the establishment of a civil partnership, you must apply for a new ID card. The same applies to your children if their names also change when you get married.

There is one exception: as long as you have a valid passport document, i.e. passport or temporary passport, with the new name, you do not have to apply for a new ID card.

The period of validity depends on your age at the time of application:

  • under 24 years: ID card is valid for 6 years.
  • from the age of 24: ID card is valid for 10 years.
  • A temporary identity card is valid for a maximum of 3 months.

If you need your new ID card immediately after marriage with a change of name or after establishing a civil partnership with a change of name, for example for a trip abroad, you can apply for your ID card with the new name at the earliest 8 weeks before the planned date of marriage or establishment of a civil partnership. As an exception, the Citizens' Registration Office will then enter the date of the planned marriage or civil partnership as the date of issue.

When submitting the application, the Citizens' Office will draw your attention to the fact that in all cases in which the date of marriage stated at the time of application is subsequently postponed to a later date and consequently the date of issue of the ID card with the new surname is earlier than the new date of marriage, the ID card will be invalid. It may not be issued. You may have to apply for a new ID card for a fee.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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