Apply for a residence permit for employment as a skilled worker with vocational training

Service Description

You can obtain a residence permit for skilled workers with vocational training if you have completed qualified vocational training in Germany. Qualified vocational training exists if you have completed vocational training in a state-recognized or comparably regulated training occupation. The duration of the training must have been at least two years. If you have completed your vocational training abroad, the equivalence of your qualification with the German, qualified vocational training must be determined by the responsible recognition body (e.g. the Chamber of Industry or Commerce).

Before the residence permit is issued, the Federal Employment Agency must give its approval. This Federal Employment Agency checks whether the working conditions correspond to those of comparable German employees, whether you are engaged in an occupation for which your qualification qualifies you and whether a domestic employment relationship exists.

If the residence permit is issued, it is limited in time. The validity depends on your employment contract or the period of validity of the approval of the Federal Employment Agency. In the case of unlimited employment contracts, the residence permit for skilled workers is issued for a period of four years.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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