Residence permit for urgent humanitarian or personal reasons Apply for extension

Service Description

An extension of the residence permit beyond the issuance period of six months is not permitted as long as you have not legally resided in the Federal territory for at least 18 months when the residence permit was first issued.

If you have legally resided in Germany for at least 18 months, it is possible to extend the residence permit, which is initially limited to six months. The same requirements must be met as for the issuance of the residence permit.

An extension of the residence permit is only permissible if a temporary stay is intended. If you are aiming for permanent residence or a stay in the Federal Republic of Germany that is not foreseeable in terms of time, an extension of the residence permit cannot be granted.

You must urgently ensure that you apply for an extension or the issue of another residence permit before your residence permit expires. If the application is filed in time, i.e. before the expiration of the time limit, the further stay is considered permitted until the decision of the Aliens Department with all subsequent effects (for example, the right to receive social welfare). A late application (after the end of the period stated in the residence permit) can result in considerable legal disadvantages. Your further stay would then be unauthorized. You are then obliged to leave the country.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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