Apply for a residence permit for refugees

Service Description

If you have been granted refugee protection by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, apply for a residence permit at the foreigners authority responsible for you.
You must be granted a residence permit (legal entitlement) if you have been incontestably recognized by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees as a foreign refugee within the meaning of the Convention of 28 July 1951 relating to the Status of Refugees (so-called Convention refugee). However, you may not be granted a residence permit if you have been deported on the basis of a particularly serious reason for deportation (e.g. conviction for an intentional criminal offense to a custodial or juvenile sentence of at least two years).
Until the residence permit is issued, your stay is considered permitted by law.
The residence permit entitles you to pursue gainful employment.
The residence permit is issued for three years and can be extended thereafter.

You are subject to a residence requirement for three years for the federal state in which you have been assigned to carry out the asylum procedure. The residence requirement does not apply or can be lifted if you, your spouse, registered partner or a minor child take up employment subject to social insurance contributions with at least 15 hours per week and a minimum income that is above the average monthly requirement according to SGB or take up vocational training or studies . The employment must also be sustainable. This is assumed if your employment relationship is expected to last more than three months.

You are entitled to social benefits (basic benefits for job-seekers or basic benefits for old age or reduced earning capacity), child benefits, parental benefits and education grants.
Family reunification for your spouse or minor children is possible. Within the scope of its discretion, the foreigners authority can grant a residence permit to the spouse or minor child of a recognized refugee who is joining him or her, despite the fact that he or she is unable to secure a livelihood and lacks sufficient living space. If the application for family reunification is submitted within three months of the residence permit being issued and it is not possible to establish family cohabitation in a third country, there is a legal entitlement to the issuance.
They are entitled to participate in the integration course. When the residence permit is issued, the foreigners authority also determines ex officio whether there is an entitlement to participate in an integration course. If this is the case, it will issue you with a certificate of eligibility. At the same time, you will receive a list of course providers in your area from the Foreigners' Registration Office or a migration counseling center for adult immigrants (MBE), where you can register by presenting your certificate of eligibility.
A settlement permit is to be issued to you if you

- have held a residence permit for five years
- if the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has not informed you that the conditions for revocation or withdrawal have been met,
- have sufficient knowledge of the German language (level A 2),
- are able to secure the livelihood for yourself and your family (Bedarfsgemeinschaft) predominantly (at least 51%) from your own income.
- Your stay does not endanger or impair the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany,
- you are allowed to work and have all the necessary permits,
- you have basic knowledge of the legal and social order and living conditions in the Federal Republic of Germany,
- have sufficient living space for yourself and your family.

If you are able to support yourself and your family predominantly from your own income and if you have a good command of the German language (corresponds to level C 1), you should be granted a settlement permit if you have been in possession of a residence permit for three years.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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