Service Finder
Adoption of a foreign child, conversion of a weak adoption into a strong adoption
Service Description
On application, the family court can convert a so-called weak adoption into a so-called strong adoption.
Process flow
You must submit a notarized application for conversion to the competent local court. The court examines the application and also involves the local youth welfare office and the central adoption office of the state youth welfare office during the proceedings.
The court pronounces the adoption with strong effect if
- this is in the best interests of the child,
- the necessary consent to an adoption with an effect terminating the parent-child relationship has been granted and
- there are no overriding interests of the husband, wife or children of the adopter or the adopted child to the contrary.
Your adopted child then has all the rights and obligations of a natural child. In addition, if they are under the age of 18 at the time of the application, they will be granted German citizenship if you or your husband or wife are German citizens.
Competent authority
In Thuringia: Jena Local Court
You have adopted a child abroad.
The court pronounces the adoption with strong effect if
- this is in the best interests of the child,
- the necessary consent to an adoption with an effect terminating the parent-child relationship has been granted and
- there are no overriding interests of the husband, wife or children of the adopter(s) or the adopted child to the contrary
Which documents are required?
- notarized application for conversion of the adoption
- foreign adoption certificate.
Note: In most cases, foreign documents with over-certification are required:
- by the competent foreign authority (apostille) or
- legalization by the German diplomatic mission abroad.
What are the fees?
- Notary fees
- court costs
- the respective amount depends on the individual case
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
There are no deadlines to be observed.
Processing duration
At least 3 months due to the prescribed procedure, possibly longer in more complex procedures
Legal basis
Applications / forms
The rejection of the application can be appealed within one month in accordance with Sections 58 et seq. FamFG.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian Ministry for Migration, Justice and Consumer Protection
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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