Offset wastewater levy

Service Description

A wastewater levy is charged for the discharge of wastewater (wastewater and polluted precipitation water) into surface water or groundwater. This can be offset under certain conditions.

You discharge wastewater into surface water or groundwater and have, for example, invested in

  • the construction/extension of wastewater treatment plants (§ 10 Para. 3 AbwAG) or
  • the construction/extension of plants that feed the wastewater from existing discharges into a wastewater treatment plant (§ 10 Para. 4 AbwAG)

e.g. construction of a separate sewer system to connect small discharges or a sub-district sewer system to a wastewater treatment plant; construction of a rainwater sewer via which the rainwater is fed to a rainwater clarifier, construction of an overflow basin to eliminate a rainwater overflow into the watercourse.

This leads to a reduction in the charge payable or to a refund of a charge already paid.

The expenses incurred can be offset against the total levy owed for this facility in the three years prior to commissioning. The offsetting period is determined to the day. The increased part of the wastewater charge - due to a monitoring value being exceeded - cannot be offset. You must apply for the offsetting of the expenses incurred to the responsible office using the appropriate forms. The responsible office will be happy to help you with any questions that may arise and may request further documents or proof of the offsetting measure.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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