Service Finder
Inland waterway transport - apply for funding for demand-oriented local road passenger transport and liner shipping services in Thuringia
Service Description
Funding is provided to public transport authorities for the provision of needs-based local transport services on streetcars and buses, including nationally important bus routes and regular services on inland waterways.
Who should I contact?
Thuringian State Administration Office (TLVwA)
Ref. 520
Jorge-Semprún-Platz 4
99423 Weimar
Application for bus routes of state importance:
State Office for Building and Transport (TLBV)
Ref. 37 (Local rail passenger transport)
Schmidtstedter Straße 34
99084 Erfurt
The State Office for Construction and Transport checks the requirements in accordance with Section 5.2.2, calculates the total number of eligible timetable kilometers for the bus lines of significance to the state and forwards the application to the Thuringian State Administration Office with a review note.
Competent authority
Thuringian State Administration Office
Thuringian State Office for Building and Transport
Funding is provided to public transport authorities for local road passenger transport (StPNV) in accordance with Section 3 (1) Nos. 2 and 3 of the Thuringian Local Public Transport Act (Thüringer ÖPNV-Gesetz) and public transport authorities that order local public transport services on inland waterways.
Which documents are required?
Section A of the funding guideline: Funding of local road passenger transport
The application must be accompanied by
- List of the length of the streetcar network (as of June 30 of the year of application) in the area of responsibility of the responsible body, list of streetcar lines and their operators - if available in the area of responsibility of the responsible body - as well as information on the scope of services based on the timetable valid and approved on August 31 (Annex 2.1.)
- List of all bus routes and their operators in the area of responsibility of the public transport authority for which the public transport authority has awarded a public service contract (PSO) in accordance with Art. 3 Para. 1 Regulation (EC) No.1370/2007 or an existing PSC pursuant to Art. 8 Para. 3 Regulation (EC) No. 1370/2007 or which it finances within the framework of a general provision pursuant to Art. 3 Para. 2 Regulation (EC) No. 1370/2007 (Annex 2.2)
- Individual list of journeys per bus route based on the timetable valid and approved on August 31 (Annex 2.3)
Section B of the funding guideline: Funding of liner shipping services
The application must be accompanied by
- List of inland waterway lines and their operators in the area of responsibility of the funding body that fulfill public service obligations for the funding body as well as information on the operation and scope of services based on the timetable valid on 31 August (Annexes 7 and 8)
Granting of the subsidy for bus routes of national importance
The application must be accompanied by
- A list of all nationally significant bus routes and their operators in the area of responsibility of the public transport authority for which the public transport authority has a public service contract (PSO) pursuant to Art. 3 (1) Regulation (EC) No. 1370/2007 or an existing PSO pursuant to Art. 8 Para. 3 Regulation (EC) No. 1370/2007 or which it finances within the framework of a general provision pursuant to Art. 3 Para. 2 Regulation (EC) No. 1370/2007 and which meets the criteria pursuant to Section 5.2.2 of the Local Public Transport Financing Directive (Annex 3.1)
- Individual list of journeys per bus route based on the timetable valid and approved on December 15 (Annex 3.2)
- List of the length of the streetcar network and list of streetcar lines as well as information on the scope of services in the area of responsibility of the public authority (Annex 2.1)
- List of bus routes that fall within the remit of the public authority (Annex 2.2)
- List of journeys per bus route (Annex 2.3)
- List of inland waterway transport lines (Annex 7)
- Itemized list of journeys per inland waterway line (Annex 8)
What are the fees?
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Section A of the funding guidelines: Funding for local road passenger transport
The application for basic funding (Section 2.1 (a)) must be submitted by the responsible body to the Thuringian State Administration Office, Department 520, Jorge-Semprùn-Platz 4, 99423 Weimar by September 30 for the following year.
The application for the grant for the bus lines of importance to the state (Section 2.1 letter b) must be submitted by the responsible body to the State Office for Construction and Transport, Ref. 37 by December 31 for the following year in accordance with Annex 3.
Section B of the funding guideline: Funding of liner services
The application for the grant for liner shipping services (Section 2.1) must be submitted by the responsible body to the Thuringian State Office of Administration, Department 520, Jorge-Semprùn-Platz 4, 99423 Weimar by September 30 for the following year in accordance with Annex 6.
Processing duration
Section A of the funding guideline: Promotion of local road passenger transport
The grant in accordance with Section 2.1 letter a) is paid out annually in two installments. The first installment of 50% will be paid in the second quarter and the second installment in the fourth quarter of the approval year. A prerequisite for the granting of the second installment is that the responsible body has submitted a proof of use in accordance with Section 7.4.
The grant pursuant to item 2.1 letter b) will be paid out in one sum in the third quarter of the year of approval.
Section B of the funding guideline: Funding of liner shipping services
The grant is paid out in a lump sum in the second quarter of the year of approval.
Applications / forms
The approval notice contains a right of appeal. An appeal against the authority's decision can be lodged within one month.
- Application by the public transport authority for a grant for the provision of needs-based public transport services in Thuringia
- Application by the public transport authority for a grant for demand-oriented public transport services on inland waterways
- Application by the public authority for a grant for special nationally significant bus routes
- List of nationally important bus routes that fall within the remit of the public transport authority
- Individual list of journeys per bus route - Overview of mileage
- Itemized list of journeys per bus route - Profit and loss account
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Thuringian Ministry for Digital Affairs and Infrastructure
Thuringian State Office for Building and Transport
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Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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