Declaration of commitment according to § 68 Residence Act (AufenthG)

Service Description

By submitting a declaration of commitment, a third person undertakes vis-à-vis a foreigners authority or a foreign mission to pay for the living expenses of a foreigner in order to help him or her to stay in Germany if the foreigner himself or herself does not have sufficient means.

The sponsor can be a natural or legal person (e.g. company, charitable organization).

When the obligation arises, all public funds used for the foreigner's living expenses, including housing and care in case of illness or need for care, must be reimbursed. This also regularly includes the costs of departure or, if applicable, deportation.

The declaration of commitment does not represent any obligation towards the invited foreigner. The declaration of commitment enables government agencies to make financial claims against the sponsor if costs arise due to the foreigner's stay that are not based on contributions (for example, social welfare costs, but not pensions or unemployment benefits if the foreigner has paid contributions for them).

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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