Service Finder
Air transport - applying for approval of an aviation school as a training organization
Service Description
Before you start the training operation of your aviation school as an approved training organization (ATO), you must apply for the ATO certificate from the responsible aviation authority. The State Administration Office, as the state aviation authority, issues the ATO certificate for training organizations with their main place of business in Thuringia for the training of the following licenses, ratings and extensions:
SPL and all ratings associated with this license,
BPL and all endorsements associated with this licence,
PPL (A) and PPL (H),
CR for single-pilot, non-technical single-engine helicopters,
FI (A), FI (H), FI (B) and FI (S),
CRI (A) and TRI (H),
aerobatic rating, towing rating, night flying rating, mountain flying rating
Who should I contact?
Thuringian State Administration Office, Ref. 520, Air Traffic, Jorge-Semprún-Platz 4, 99423 Weimar, Germany
Which documents are required?
- Completed application form
- Copies of licenses; curricula vitae; qualification certificates - flight instructors / theory instructors
- Copies of licenses; curricula vitae; proof of qualifications - management personnel
- Proof of proper appointment of management personnel
- Employment/staff contracts of all assigned personnel (except LSV).
- Certificate of approval of own CAMO or agreements with assigned CAMO or, if applicable, other evidence of assurance of accountability in accordance with M.A.201(i) Part-M of Regulation (EU) 1321/ 2014
- Maintenance contracts of the non-owned aircraft intended for use
- registration certificates of the aircraft intended for use
- Airworthiness certificates and current ARC of the aircraft intended for use
- approved IHP of the aircraft intended for use (approval for training or commercial use)
- Approval certificate of own maintenance organization or maintenance contracts or - if applicable - other proof of securing responsibility according to M.A.201 subparagraph i) Part-M of Regulation (EU) 1321/ 2014
- Rental contracts or proof of ownership for the premises for flight operations and theoretical training
- Insurance certificate for an existing owner's liability insurance for the aircraft intended for use
- Operations manual
- Training manual
- Training programs for all training courses offered
- Procurement contracts for externally contracted activities (if applicable)
- Copy of AOC and/or permit according to § 5 para. 1 LuftVG (if applicable)
- Details of FSDT used * (if applicable)
What are the fees?
Administrative fee: 160 - 1100 € (fee range)
Legal basis
- ORA.GEN.115 of Regulation (EU) 1178/2011
Remark: Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 of 3 November 2011 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures applicable to mobile staff in civil aviation in application of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council Text with EEA relevance
Applications / forms
Action before the Administrative Court
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian Ministry for Infrastructure and Agriculture
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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