Apply for an extract from the property register (parcel and ownership certificate)

Service Description

The real estate cadastre is an official register of real estate (parcels of land and buildings) for the entire state territory and provides complete and comprehensive information. The establishment and maintenance of the real estate cadastre is a sovereign state task and is carried out by the cadastral divisions of the Thuringian State Office for Land Management and Geoinformation (TLBG). The real estate cadastre combines the previously separate real estate registers (descriptive part) and real estate maps (illustrative part) in a geo-base information system (also known as ALKIS).

In Thuringia, the real estate register contains, among other things, information on

  • Territorial affiliation,
  • location,
  • area,
  • actual use with type of actual use and area,
  • buildings,
  • continuation certificate(s),
  • public-law stipulations
  • Booking (booking type, booking office in the land register) and
  • ownership.

Booking and ownership details are taken from the land register for information purposes.

As a property owner, you need extracts, information and certificates relating to your property for numerous purposes (building projects, bank loans, division of property, sale of property, etc.). For this purpose, you can also apply for an extract from the property register with the details of the descriptive part of the property register.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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