EU - School program for fruit, vegetables and milk - apply for funding

Service Description

Obesity and unhealthy nutrition are becoming an ever greater challenge worldwide. The European Union wants to take countermeasures at an early stage and is therefore starting with children and young people: The EU Schools Program is designed to make fruit and vegetables and fresh milk palatable to children and young people and to promote healthier eating.

Thuringia offers the opportunity for as many children as possible in the state's kindergartens, elementary schools and special schools to eat an extra portion of fresh fruit and vegetables on a regular basis. In this way, children can be taught that fruit and vegetables are not only healthy, but also taste good. The children should get to know and taste regional and seasonal fruits and vegetables as well as milk, also in organic quality.

Combined with further educational measures in the schools, our children should learn more about the colorful variety of fruits and vegetables. In the classroom, in the school garden and during visits to farms, children should be taught where our food comes from, how it is produced and what production effort is involved. In daycare centers, nutrition and consumer education topics related to milk should be included in the pedagogical concept and implemented in everyday life. Milk parties are a good way of doing this.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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