Service Finder
Forestry - conversion of forest to another type of use Apply for a permit
Service Description
Your application as a forest owner for permission to convert forest is reviewed by the lower forestry authority.
The lower forestry authority decides on your application in consultation with the lower nature conservation authority and after hearing the upper state planning authority. In the case of subsequent agricultural use, approval is granted in agreement with the upper agricultural authority.
If required, the approval procedure must comply with the Environmental Impact Assessment Act or the Thuringian EIA Act.
In your application, your legitimate interests as a forest owner must be weighed against and against the interests of the general public.
Process flow
1. application with documents justifying the application and proof of ownership
2. examination of the documents by the approval authority (lower forestry authority)
3. establishment of the agreement with the technical authorities to be involved according to § 10 para. 1 sentence 3 Thuringian Forest Act, if necessary environmental impact assessment according to the Thuringian UVP Act
4. Approval / refusal of the change of use
5 . sending of the approval/refusal notice to the applicant
Who should I contact?
ThüringenForst - Institution under public law as lower forestry authority
Submission of the application for approval of the conversion of forest with proof of ownership,
agreement of the technical authorities to be involved,
there must be no grounds for refusal,
Agreement of the lower nature conservation authority, consultation of the upper state planning authority
Which documents are required?
Informal application for approval of the change of the type of use
Proof of ownership (excerpt from the land register)
What are the fees?
Administrative costs
per hectare, at least 500 Euro administrative costs (according to No. of the Administrative Costs List (Annex to Section 1 (1)) of the Thuringian Administrative Costs Regulations.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Processing duration
6 to 8 weeks
Applications / forms
The appeal authority is the lower forestry authority.
Informal application for permission to convert forest
Land register excerpt
Supporting institutions
Technically approved by
ThüringenForst - Institution under public law
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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