Service Finder
Joint Task 'Improvement of the Regional Economic Structure' (GRW) Part II - Business-related Infrastructure (Tourism)
Service Description
Object of funding:
The following are eligible for funding:
- Measures for site development for tourism.
- Measures for the construction and expansion of public tourism facilities (including equipment). Public tourism facilities are basic tourism infrastructure facilities that are of direct importance for the performance and economic development of tourism businesses. The public facilities should contribute to improving the infrastructure in the tourist areas, increase their recreational value and strengthen their economic power.
Not eligible for funding are
- Measures of general landscape conservation,
- Measures for the protection of historical monuments,
- Renovation and restoration of cultural-historical buildings,
- Improvement of inner-city parks and green spaces,
- Construction or expansion of accommodation, gastronomy,
- sports facilities (e.g. sports stadiums, sports halls, golf courses and tennis courts, sports and outdoor swimming pools),
- leisure parks,
- Parking spaces for motor vehicles that are not connected to a public tourism facility,
- Village halls and community centers,
- animal parks and zoological gardens,
- Leisure facilities for the local population.
Recipients of the funding:
Recipients of funding/providers of measures are:
- Local authorities or municipal special-purpose associations that are subject to municipal supervision,
- The sponsors can also be legal entities that pursue tax-privileged purposes in accordance with Sections 51 to 68 of the German Tax Code and this is recognized by the tax office.
Scope of funding:
The funding rate is generally up to 60% of the eligible costs. A higher funding rate may be granted in exceptional cases within the limits of the GRW coordination framework.
Process flow
The funding procedure is a two-stage process. Accordingly, a preliminary funding application must be submitted in writing to the granting authority before the application is submitted; this does not replace the application. This means that an informal preliminary funding application for projects in the following year must first be submitted to the Thüringer Aufbaubank by August 31 of the respective year for the funding item 2.1.4 of these guidelines.
Following a positive decision on the preliminary funding application, the grant can be applied for in a second step by submitting a formal application to the Thüringer Aufbaubank in good time before the start of the project. The application documents must be completed by the applicant within three months of being requested to do so by the approval authority.
Who should I contact?
Thüringer Aufbaubank (TAB)
Institution under public law
Gorkistrasse 9
99084 Erfurt
Postal address: P.O. Box 90 02 44, 99105 Erfurt
Web portal:
Competent authority
Thüringer Aufbaubank (TAB)
Institution under public law
Gorkistrasse 9
99084 Erfurt
Postal address: P.O. Box 90 02 44, 99105 Erfurt
Web portal:
see service description
Which documents are required?
The following information and documents are required as part of the preliminary funding application for measures in accordance with section 2.1.4:
- Project sponsor,
- Name, location and content of the measure (description of the measure),
- Description of the ownership structure,
- Presentation of the total costs (including follow-up costs) and financing plan,
- planned investment period,
- Planning status (urban land-use planning, project planning),
- Overview plan (representation of the location in the local area),
- Proof of the use of the ErlebnisWerkstatt.
Once the application has been requested by the approval authority, the following documents (where applicable) must be attached to the application for projects under point 2.1.4 of the guidelines:
- Description of the measure,
- Status of planning under building law (for buildings, status of the building permit procedure),
- Comments from public bodies (if no approved development plan exists),
- Statement regarding funding within the framework of employment promotion,
- Documents for work phase 3 according to HOAI,
- Information on the expenditure associated with the measure (not applicable for item 2.1.4 for non-revenue-generating measures),
- Information on expected income in the period of the economic life (not applicable for items 2.1.4 for non-revenue-generating measures),
- Submission of a DCF analysis (or comparable capitalized earnings value method),
- Declaration of input tax deduction for the measure applied for (for private measure sponsors: declaration from the tax office),
- Proof of ownership,
- Information on securing through-financing,
- Declaration that the project will not commence before receipt of the grant notification.
In addition, the granting authority may request further documents in individual cases (e.g. a statement from the municipal representative for the disabled) if this is necessary for the assessment of the application.
What are the fees?
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
see process flow
Legal basis
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (OJ L 187/1 of 26 June 2014)
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid (OJ L 352, 24 December 2013, p. 1)
- Article 91a of the Basic Law
- Act on the Joint Task "Improvement of the Regional Economic Structure" (GRW Act - GRWG) of October 6, 1969 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 1861), last amended by Article 269 of the Ordinance of August 31, 2015 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 1474)
- Coordination framework of the joint task "Improvement of the regional economic structure"
- Thuringian Administrative Procedure Act (ThürVwVfG)
- Thuringian State Budget Code (ThürLHO)
- Thuringian Act on Equality and Improvement of the Integration of People with Disabilities (ThürGlG)
- Administrative regulations on the ThürLHO, in particular on §§ 23 and 44
Applications / forms
All current information and forms are published on the Thüringer Aufbaubank website.
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Thuringian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Science and Digital Society
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Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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