Local public transport - applying for funding for business investments

Service Description

The approval of funding for operational investments in local public transport (ÖPNV) includes, in particular, projects for the expansion of streetcar and rail infrastructure, the procurement of buses and streetcar vehicles as well as telematics equipment such as operations control systems and passenger information systems. After receiving your application, the authority will check whether the project you have applied for is eligible for funding and can be included in the funding program. As a result, you will receive a notification from the authority as to whether or not it will be included in the funding program. If you are considered, you will be asked to submit an application with all the necessary documents. Once all the application documents have been submitted, the authority will issue a grant notification. You can then commission the implementation of the project. You can apply for payment of the funding as soon as you have received invoices or invoices are expected soon. After completion of the project, you must provide evidence of the use of the funding to the authorities.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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