Thuringia consolidation fund for small and medium-sized enterprises

Service Description

Object of the funding:

The "Thuringia Consolidation Fund for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises" support program is intended to help strengthen and improve the regional economic structure in Thuringia. Loans from the funding program can be used to support companies that are experiencing economic difficulties.

Recipients of funding:

Small and medium-sized enterprises in the commercial sector (including the tourism industry, business-related freelance professions) with their registered office or place of business in Thuringia that can no longer obtain sufficient financing from their principal bank.

Not eligible to apply are:

  • Companies that cannot receive de minimis aid (this includes, in particular, primary production of agricultural products, fishing and aquaculture),
  • Enterprises that are the subject of insolvency proceedings or meet the conditions for opening insolvency proceedings,
  • enterprises/freelance professions in forestry (NACE 02.1), health, veterinary and social services, pharmacies, lawyers, credit institutions and insurance companies or related activities.

Scope of Funding:

Applicants* can receive loans with amounts up to a maximum of EUR 2 million as de minimis aid in accordance with the de minimis regulation.

The following conditions, among others, apply to the granting of loans in accordance with the directive:

  • Loan term: up to 10 years, up to 2 years grace period.
  • Interest rates according to the conditions table are fixed for the entire loan term.
  • Unscheduled repayments are possible at any time without payment of an early repayment penalty.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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