Service Finder
Fishing - Applying for authorization for electrofishing (fishing with electricity)
Service Description
Today, scientists, fishermen and anglers use modern methods such as electrofishing to study fish stocks. Electrofishing is a prohibited fishing method due to its anaesthetic effect. It may therefore only be used under certain conditions and in justified exceptional cases following approval by the Supreme Fisheries Authority.
Process flow
Electrofishing is subject to strict rules and may only be carried out with the approval of the Supreme Fisheries Authority.
Permission to carry out electrofishing is granted upon application by the person entitled to fish, the person authorized to carry out fishing or the person carrying out the electrofishing (electrofisher) using the application form provided by the supreme fishing authority. The application must be submitted at least four weeks before the planned fishing date and must contain the following information:
1. the name and address of the applicant,
2. the name of the person entitled to fish or, in the case of a lease, the person entitled to fish if this is not the same person as the applicant,
3. precise details of the body of water in which electrofishing is to be carried out, including the boundaries of the body of water,
4. the duration of the fishing in the form of electrofishing and
5. the reasons for the application and any additional explanations.
Who should I contact?
Thuringian Ministry of Infrastructure and Agriculture
Division 54 Forest and Fisheries Policy, Technical Supervision of the Sovereign Tasks of the State Forestry Agency
1. proof of successful participation in a training course on electric fishing by submitting an operating license for the operation of electric fishing equipment; permits for electric fishing issued before 3 October 1990 and operating licenses from other countries are recognized,
2. presentation of confirmation from the Technical Inspection Association or the testing body of the VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V. that the electric fishing device complies with the recognized rules of technology, in particular the regulations of the VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V. for electric fishing devices and excludes damage to fishing,
3. proof of liability insurance of 500,000 euros for personal injury and 50,000 euros for damage to property and
4. the written consent of the person entitled to fish or, in the case of leasing, of the person entitled to exercise fishing rights in the water in which the electric fishing is to be carried out; the supreme fisheries authority may require that the declaration of consent of persons entitled to fish or, in the case of leasing, of persons entitled to exercise fishing rights in adjacent parts of the water is also submitted if adverse effects on the fish population of an adjacent part of the water cannot be ruled out.
The permit must be granted for a limited period and revocable for specific purposes, waters and equipment. The permit may be subject to further conditions or requirements.
Which documents are required?
a) valid fishing licenses for electric fishers
b) operating license for the operation of electric fishing gear
c) TÜV certificates for the electric device to be used
d) Proof of valid liability insurance for electric fishing
e) Declarations of consent from the affected fishing rights holders or fishing leaseholders if they are not the applicant
f) Justification of the project
g) Proof of commissioning, e.g. in the case of research projects or monitoring programs
What are the fees?
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
The application must be submitted at least four weeks before the planned fishing date.
Processing duration
At least 4 weeks.
Legal basis
(1) Fishing using electric current (electrofishing) may only be carried out with the permission of the supreme fisheries authority.
(2) Permission may only be granted
1. to record fish stocks, in particular in the case of stocktaking to preserve evidence,
2. in the event of special fishing conditions, in particular if the biological balance is disturbed,
3. for the promotion of conservation and reproduction measures for certain fish species, or
4. for teaching or research purposes
may be granted.
(3) The permit shall be granted for a limited period and revocable for specific purposes, waters and equipment. The permit may be subject to further conditions or requirements.
(4) The supreme fisheries authority shall issue an authorization certificate with the permit.
(5) In the event of fish mortality or imminent danger, the supreme fisheries authority may issue an exemption permit in advance. In this case, the application in accordance with§ 19 must be submitted immediately.
Applications / forms
- Application for a permit for electrofishing in accordance with Section 19 (1) sentence 1 of the Implementing Ordinance to the Thuringian Fisheries Act (ThürFischAVO) (survey for the purposes of the application and administrative cost decision)
- Declaration of consent pursuant to Section 19 (2) No. 4 of the Thuringian Fisheries Implementation Ordinance (annex to the application for an electrofishing permit or exemption permit)
- Electrofishing records in accordance with Section 21 of the Thuringian Fisheries Implementation Ordinance (ThürFischAVO)
What else should I know?
The permit shall be granted for a limited period and revocable for specific purposes, waters and equipment. The permit may be subject to further conditions or requirements.
Supporting institutions
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian Ministry for Infrastructure and Agriculture
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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