Service Finder
Apply for compensation under the Infection Protection Act because of child care
Service Description
Working custodians are entitled to compensation for loss of earnings if schools or daycare centres are closed for reasons of infection and they provide care for their child or children themselves. Children must not have reached the age of 12. This age restriction does not apply to disabled children. The entitlement also applies to foster children.
Compensation depends on your earnings.
Compensation is paid for a maximum period of 6 weeks. It amounts to 67% of your net earnings, for a full month a maximum of 2,016 euros.
If the facility would close for holidays anyway, this regulation does not apply in principle.
If you have concluded a care contract with an after-school care centre, you are also entitled to compensation during the school holidays.
Before you receive this compensation, you must exhaust all other reasonable care options. These are, for example, childcare by family members or friends, home office, reduction of time credits or holidays.
Care provided by so-called "risk groups" should be avoided. These include, in particular, older persons or persons with pre-existing conditions.
There is no entitlement to compensation in the case of short-time work.
For employees
Your employer will pay you compensation for the duration of the closure period, for a maximum of 6 weeks. The employer will be reimbursed for the amounts paid out by the competent authority.
You should therefore inform your employer immediately of your childcare situation so that he or she can claim compensation. If your employer (especially smaller companies) is unable to pay in advance, you can apply for advances equal to the expected amount of the reimbursement.
In exceptional cases, you can submit the application for compensation yourself.
For employers
You must pay compensation to your employees for the duration of the closure period, for a maximum of 6 weeks (advance payment). You can have the amounts paid reimbursed by the competent authority.
Contributions to pension, nursing care and health insurance can also be reimbursed to you.
You can also apply for an advance payment.
The following applies to self-employed persons:
You will receive reimbursement directly from the competent authority.
To calculate the loss of earnings, your last annual profit is taken into account. This is divided by 12.
Contributions to pension, nursing care and health insurance can also be reimbursed.
You can also apply for an advance.
The following applies to homeworkers:
Unlike for the self-employed, your average monthly income is taken into account for the calculation.
Process flow
The compensation procedure is carried out by the competent authority. Employers and self-employed persons submit applications, employees can only submit applications in exceptional cases.
The payment is instructed by the competent authority and is made directly to the account specified by the applicant. The applicants receive a notification of this.
Who should I contact?
Thuringian State Administration Office
Department V - Economy and Health
Department 500
Jorge Semprún Square 4
99423 Weimar
Parents are entitled to compensation for their loss of earnings due to childcare if
- You look after your child/children yourself due to the closure of a childcare facility or school by public authorities
- And your child is under 12 years old or has a disability and is dependent on help
- And you have a loss of earnings
- And you have custody of this child
- And you have no other reasonable childcare option.
Which documents are required?
For employees:
- Application (your employer will submit this application for you online).
- In any case, employers must attach the compensation statements for the employees concerned.
For self-employed persons:
- Application (online)
- For self-employed persons, the last income tax assessment notice or a certificate from the appointed tax office on the amount of the loss of earnings serves as proof.
What are the fees?
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
An entitlement exists from 30.03.2020 at the earliest.
You must submit applications within 3 months after the end of the necessary childcare.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Integration of the State of Saxony-Anhalt
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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